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Season tickets

Printed From: National League Rugby Discussion Forum
Category: League Rugby -
Forum Name: The Championship
Forum Description: Discuss the 12 clubs forming the English Championship.
Printed Date: 10 Mar 2025 at 12:33
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Topic: Season tickets
Posted By: gerg_861
Subject: Season tickets
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 18:14
So, how do the season ticket costs stack up this year? I feel like Ealing's is becoming a bit complicated, and a bit less value for money, as there is now:

Standing - £175
Bugeja stand (West) - £190
East stand - £190
Grandstand - £210

Given that this is for only 10 league matches, that comes out to over £21/game (not including cup) for a grandstand seat. When you consider that it was something like £135 just a handful of years ago for 11 league matches, seems less attractive. 

On top of that, one big change that was brought in quite quietly was that 13-17 need a £5 ticket now, whereas before under 16s went free. I'm guessing that on swings and roundabouts that probably works out about even in terms of getting more 16/17 year olds in without a full price ticket.

Overall, I'm still happy to pay, especially after Covid, but the season ticket is getting dearer. 

Posted By: Runitback
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 19:10
To me it sounds very cheap . . try going to a West End Musical!!! For the investment your club continues to make in top players £20 a game is a bargain . .  how much is a cinema ticket?

Run with it

Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 20:04
Originally posted by Runitback Runitback wrote:

To me it sounds very cheap . . try going to a West End Musical!!! For the investment your club continues to make in top players £20 a game is a bargain . .  how much is a cinema ticket?

London theatre week last week, went to two shows for £15 each. Cinema is about £10 nowadays. 

What about other club season tickets? That's what I am curious about. Have other clubs had to increase after covid?

Posted By: Runitback
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 20:47
I took my daughter to a matinee of Matilda . . . £90 per ticket in average seats!!! Regardless £21 to watch an exceptional Ealing side sounds like great value to me . . even an average team is worth it and you get to have a beer and banter with friends . . £21 well spent!!

Run with it

Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 21:00
Mine was about £170 I think, but that's for an old git's concession.
Seat near the middle of the grandstand, even though I doubt I'll sit very often (prefer to stand).
That's for the league games, friendlies, and any joke cup games that may turn up.
Not sure what the full price is, sorry.

Our City,
Our Club

Posted By: The Blues
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2021 at 22:09
Blues sold 1,200+ season tickets at a higher price than that. Not quite sure of all the benefits on top etc. Just seen we get 14 games included. A stand ticket was over £200 (I think £250 ish for early birds). Apparently both our home friendlies are included… not that I saw this and have bought 2 tickets for Saints on top! Haha! So I’ll be paying over £40 to watch that match or I’ll gift them to friends.

All I can say is, the owner clearly wants a bit more of a contribution from the fans… wait until you’re in the Premiership losing most of the time and paying close to double the price.

Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2021 at 12:56
I thought about grumbling about the RFUs rescheduling of a couple of our home games to Thursday evenings, which would have seriously degraded the value of my ST as I would have to miss them (Ealing and Bedford, I think, originally mooted to be televised, but presumably they coc ked that up along with most everything else).
However, I'm now informed that they have been rescheduled to Saturdays at 3pm, as they should be.
Yay, etc.

Our City,
Our Club

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