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Category: League Rugby -
Forum Name: The Championship
Forum Description: Discuss the 12 clubs forming the English Championship.
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Topic: Citings
Posted By: gerg_861
Subject: Citings
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 15:37
I think that there is generally a citings topic running through the season, so opening one here.
* Matt Challinor is still out for a citing back in October for law 9.12 - striking with forearm or elbow
* Unsurprisingly, Toby Flood has been cited for law 9.11 reckless or dangerous play - I'm interested in which instance. He'll be going in front of the judicial officer today.
Posted By: KnightsBoy
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 16:46
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 16:50
If there’s going to be this thread, let’s have it complete within the Championship for this season. All additional disciplinarians to date listed. It’s not a long list...
15/10/2019 12/10/2019 Shay Kerry, Ampthill & District Ampthill & District v Nottingham Red card Law 9.27 - 2 Yellow cards. Sending off sufficient.
08/10/2019 04/10/2019 Joe Luca Smith, London Scottish London Scottish v Yorkshire Carnegie Red card Law 9.13 - Dangerous Tackle. Not admitted, 4 weeks
26/09/2019 21/09/2019 Oliver Stedman, Doncaster Knights Doncaster Knights v Hartpury RFC Citing Law 9.12 - Punch/Strike. Admitted, 3 weeks
Posted By: Guinness John
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 17:01
If the match hadn't been on tv perhaps the incidents could have been missed. The leading with the shoulder was right in front of me. There was a huge gasp/shout from the crowd as it was obvious where the contact was. I only saw the neck roll on tv, Flood must have been fully aware of what he was doing. Both actions in my opinion were both reckless and dangerous. In my opinion the t m o was also very much at fault.
------------- Bedford Blues Supporter of the Year 2010 - 2011
Posted By: No 7
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 17:43
I know Nick disagree`s with how the `citing` takes place but my understanding is that there is a citing officer but he is not at the game and as to be notified by the team management .
I found these regulations.........
17.11 Matches where Citing Commissioners are not Appointed
17.11.1 For Matches where, in accordance with Regulation 17.8.3 or 17.8.6, it is
not reasonably practicable for a Citing Commissioner to be appointed, the
following shall apply:
(a) Each team participating in a Match, or any of its authorised officials,
or its Union, may cite:
(i) a Player(s) for an act(s) of alleged Foul Play committed during
that Match provided that such act(s) have not been detected by
the Match Officials;
(ii) a Player for more than one incident of alleged Foul Play in the
same Match; and
(iii) more than one Player in any Match.
(b) Unions and Tournament Organisers shall put in place procedures for
team citing which accord with the following:
(i) citings by teams or their Unions shall be in writing and sent by
an authorised member of the Union or management of the
team to the nominated officer of the Host Union or Tournament
Organiser responsible for the Match in which the incident that is
the subject of the citing complaint occurred.
Last updated 1 January, 2015 244
(ii) such citing, to be effective, must be made no later than
48 hours of the conclusion of the Match in which the Foul Play
is alleged to have occurred;
(iii) the responsibility for obtaining information and reportREGULATION 17
(ii) such citing, to be effective, must be made no later than
48 hours of the conclusion of the Match in which the Foul Play
is alleged to have occurred;
(iii) the responsibility for obtaining information and reports in
relation to the citing shall rest with the Union or team
management making the citing complaint. The Union or team
management shall liaise with the Host Union or Tournament
Organiser (or its/their nominated officer) to ensure that relevant
information and reports are circulated to the appropriate parties
in advance of the hearing;
(iv) the independent disciplinary body of the Union or Tournament
Organiser having jurisdiction over the Match, shall consider the
citing complaint and any other evidence it deems appropriate
including via televisual means, oral (witness), film or
photographic evidence. The Player cited shall have the right to
be heard, to be represented and to produce evidence; and
(v) at any hearing of a citing complaint a representative of the
citing team or Union must be in attendance, failing which the
citing complaint will be dismissed. If an act of Foul Play is found
to have been committed the disciplinary body of the Union or
Tournament Organiser having jurisdiction over the Match shall
take the appropriate action and shall apply the World Rugby’s
Sanctions for Foul Play set out in Appendix 1, by following the
core sanctioning principles set out in Regulation 17.19.
17.11.2 Players who are the subject of a citing by Unions shall not be provisionally
suspended pending the hearing of the case.
------------- Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Posted By: No 7
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 17:46" rel="nofollow -
------------- Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 18:28
No 7
You are quoting the section of the 2015 update, for matches at tiers where there is no citing commissionaire.
Please have a look at the 2019-20 appendix 4 to regulation 19, which is the current regulation." rel="nofollow -
On the very first page is states the following...
"The procedures set out below apply only to Clubs in the Premiership and Championship and
Women’s Premier 15s (1st XV) – where an RFU Citing Commissioner is appointed.
1. The RFU Head of Discipline shall ensure that match footage is made available to the
Citing Commissioner.
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing
Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out
Premiership: 4 hours of conclusion of the match
Championship and
Women’s Premier 15s (1st XV): 8 hours of conclusion of the match
3. A Citing Commissioner alone shall have the power and responsibility to cite a Player
whom the independent video and/or other evidence shows to have committed an act
of Foul Play whether or not it has been detected by the Match Officials. Such citing, to
be effective, must be made in writing to be received by the RFU Head of Discipline
from the nominated Citing Commissioner within the timescales set out below: "
Point 3 is key.
There is a lot more - it goes down to point 11, before starting on level 3 and below. Nowhere in points 1-11, which cover tiers 1 & 2, and womens' premiership rugby do clubs cite players.
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 18:35
That's not very readable 'legislation' - not that I'm blaming you No7. Not sure the detail is critically important, the gist is that a citing commissioner is appointed to each GKIPAC game and reviews it to see if there are any disciplinary concerns, charging players where an offence is deemed sufficiently serious. Clubs are entitled to draw the attention of the CC to particular incidents... that's about the long & short of it I think.
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 18:49
Posted By: No 7
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 18:52
OldNick wrote:
No 7
You are quoting the section of the 2015 update, for matches at tiers where there is no citing commissionaire.
Please have a look at the 2019-20 appendix 4 to regulation 19, which is the current regulation." rel="nofollow -
On the very first page is states the following...
"The procedures set out below apply only to Clubs in the Premiership and Championship and
Women’s Premier 15s (1st XV) – where an RFU Citing Commissioner is appointed.
1. The RFU Head of Discipline shall ensure that match footage is made available to the
Citing Commissioner.
The updated regs you quote state.
A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing
Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out
I believe that confirms that the club instigate the citing.
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing
Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out
Premiership: 4 hours of conclusion of the match
Championship and
Women’s Premier 15s (1st XV): 8 hours of conclusion of the match
3. A Citing Commissioner alone shall have the power and responsibility to cite a Player
whom the independent video and/or other evidence shows to have committed an act
of Foul Play whether or not it has been detected by the Match Officials. Such citing, to
be effective, must be made in writing to be received by the RFU Head of Discipline
from the nominated Citing Commissioner within the timescales set out below: "
Point 3 is key.
There is a lot more - it goes down to point 11, before starting on level 3 and below. Nowhere in points 1-11, which cover tiers 1 & 2, and womens' premiership rugby do clubs cite players.
I believe that confirms it is the club who have been offended against that intigate the citing procedure .
------------- Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 19:05
Newcastle twitter has stated that only one incident is being cited, bur not which.
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2019 at 19:05
we're getting into semantics here about what is meant by the word 'cite'. In the strict sense, only the citing commissioner may cite a player. In the looser sense, clubs may draw the CC's attention to particular incidents - some people might refer to this drawing of attention as 'citing'. Strictly it isn't, but it has a very similar effect...
Posted By: No 7
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 00:13
Disregarding the semantics the procedure is often instigated by the club .
------------- Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Posted By: Brizzer
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 09:21
No 7 wrote:
Disregarding the semantics the procedure is often instigated by the club . | Which would make sense as the players on the pitch would probably draw the incident to their coaching staff's attention, who will probably review it if they didn't see it in real time and then refer it if they think that it has merit. Sorry, I haven't got time to go through the RFU links, but what about the officials? There may be an incident that they did not see fully (partially obscured/long way away etc.), if they review back are they able to refer to the CC if they think that they missed the said incident?
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 10:11
Brizzer, as far as I can see there is no regulation to cover this, but of course a citing commissioner can cite without referral from a team. I’m sure if the referee said “I may have missed something at about the hour” the CC would take a careful look at around then, and if appropriate would cite.
Posted By: No 7
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 15:21
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing
Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out
------------- Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 15:53
No 7 wrote:
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out below:
Agreed. They may refer to the CC. They may not cite. The CC must consider whether or not to cite.
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 19:04
OldNick wrote:
No 7 wrote:
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out below:
Agreed. They may refer to the CC. They may not cite. The CC must consider whether or not to cite. |
And still it rumbles on. Which do people think will end first, this Semantathon or Toby Flood's ban?
Posted By: OldNick
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 19:56
Well, I’ve no plans to explain further, and Toby Flood’s ban is just for Sunday. Based on that, his ban, although very short may last longer.
Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2019 at 20:03
I doubt Newcastle will miss him too much tbh.
------------- Our City, Our Club
Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 06:09
OldNick wrote:
No 7 wrote:
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out below:
Agreed. They may refer to the CC. They may not cite.
The CC must consider whether or not to cite. |
What does Corporal Carrot have to do with this?
Posted By: Guinness John
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 09:15
A one match ban sets a really interesting benchmark for the future. I see it as a cop out. The fact that Temm was not badly injured seems to have been a mitigating factor. He could have had a broken neck just as easily.
------------- Bedford Blues Supporter of the Year 2010 - 2011
Posted By: Pappashanga
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 09:44
Yes i agree. It's a matter of sheer chance that the result of the foul play was not serious. Surely the offence should be judged by what it is, not by the lucky consequences. The wording of the judgment seems to me to very careful to minimise what happened. Yes we know the referee and co saw it, but the video is the key. Possibly favouring a well known player?
------------- pappashanga
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 09:58
Flood verdict, with link to full judgement:" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: corporalcarrot
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 10:46
gerg_861 wrote:
OldNick wrote:
No 7 wrote:
2. A Club participating in a match may refer any incidents in the match to the Citing Commissioner that they want him/her to consider, within the timescales set out below:
Agreed. They may refer to the CC. They may not cite.
The CC must consider whether or not to cite. |
What does Corporal Carrot have to do with this?  | Nowt to do with me I deny everything including incitement to chain the villain to the rocks at low tide so the crabs can get him!
------------- Dont kick it. Pick it up and GO FORWARD.
Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 16:10
islander wrote:
Flood verdict, with link to full judgement:" rel="nofollow - |
That judgement stinks, and I would argue that the logic is faulty. They cite a previous judgement as precedent to say that not all contact with the head or neck is definitely a mid-range entry point. However, they then follow that up not by claiming that the contact was incidental, but by stating that the contact with the head was actually with the ground consequential with being rolled out of the ruck. That makes no sense.
By that logic, I could pick someone up by the legs and tombstone piledriver their head into the ground, and that wouldn't require a mid-range entry point because the contact with the head was consequential to me driving him into the ground.
Posted By: Pappashanga
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2019 at 16:33
I agree. Could have been written by his mother.
------------- pappashanga
Posted By: Cricks at 2
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2019 at 09:16
gerg_861 wrote:
islander wrote:
Flood verdict, with link to full judgement:" rel="nofollow - |
That judgement stinks, and I would argue that the logic is faulty. They cite a previous judgement as precedent to say that not all contact with the head or neck is definitely a mid-range entry point. However, they then follow that up not by claiming that the contact was incidental, but by stating that the contact with the head was actually with the ground consequential with being rolled out of the ruck. That makes no sense.
By that logic, I could pick someone up by the legs and tombstone piledriver their head into the ground, and that wouldn't require a mid-range entry point because the contact with the head was consequential to me driving him into the ground. | Totally agree, by using a precedent does that enable this ruling as another precedent for future citing? In that case, it is open season on dangerous play, with lesser consequences. Another team getting a six match player ban for the same offence, should rightly be hacked off.
Posted By: KnightsBoy
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2019 at 09:30
Looks to me like big club bias, it stinks.
Posted By: Bluesman11
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2019 at 09:36
Also can’t comprehend why the forearm smash wasn’t cited or referred to in that citing. I think that one was worse and a more obvious red. He also seems to be mitigated by the fact the TMO saw it and did nothing. Not sure why David Grashoff’s complete incompetence is a mitigating factor. Another mitigating factor seems to be he is an experienced international. Again, I don’t understand why that matters. If say Lewis Robling had done the same thing would he be punished more harshly because he hasn’t played for his country?
------------- Championship Prediction League Winner 11/12