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Player drop out - Post Covid

Printed From: National League Rugby Discussion Forum
Category: League Rugby -
Forum Name: Clubhouse chat
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Printed Date: 03 Mar 2025 at 17:20
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Topic: Player drop out - Post Covid
Posted By: backrowb
Subject: Player drop out - Post Covid
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 11:31
My thoughts -  Players will have had a long, long period without travelling to train, playing each week etc etc 
They will have found other things to do with their time, and some will not be returning to the game, thinking the sacrifices they make to play are not worth it.   Giving up all that time to get battered for a few shekel each week.

Posted By: Thatbloke
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 11:54
I'm sure there will be some fallout on the lines you suggest but I think most players are in the game because they enjoy it. Getting battered and doing some battering themselves is all part of the thrill of the physical contest. If you are good enough to get paid for doing it, that's a nice bonus. If there's a mass "right we're not going to pay anyone any more" then that's a different kettle of fish. There will doubtless be some clubs who take that route but I think it will be in the minority. Clubs will make their own mind up between "Do we want to play at a decent level with all the costs that inevitably incurs?"
OR "Do we want to be a social club who happens to play rugby and are happy to compete at Levels 8,9,10?" 

Posted By: Cannon
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020 at 15:48
I understand that a number of central London (inside M25) clubs are suffering with player numbers as they have lost them back outside the area due to lockdown and working from home. 

They traditionally have recruited itinerant players that are new to area.

Rucks and mauls may bust my balls, but whips and chains excite me!!

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