The run in.....................
Printed From: National League Rugby Discussion Forum
Category: League Rugby -
Forum Name: National 1
Forum Description: Discuss the 14 clubs in the third level of the English game
Printed Date: 14 Mar 2025 at 00:00 Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: The run in.....................
Posted By: tigerburnie
Subject: The run in.....................
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 16:25
Race to avoid the drop' If Leicester Lions win this weekend, that will I understand confirm DMP's relegation. So a lot of presumption here, but looking at the fixture lists, Lions have only two away fixtures, whereas Esher have three. So is the Esher v Lions game in a couple of weekends, the "do or die" match? Both clubs have extremely important matches this weekend, neither can afford to lose, should Lions win at home and Esher lose at Dings, those points on the board could be disappearing. Fixtures for:- Lions have DMP at home Esher away Sale home Dings away Blackheath home Bishops Stortford home
Esher have Dings away Leicester Lions home Bishops Stortford away Moseley home Plymouth Albion away Sedgeley Park home
it's gonna be tight I think.
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 17:18
Isn’t there still the uncertainty that 3 might go down which might draw more teams into it?
If two, it could be pivotal, as I see that this weekend, not only Lions at home to DMP but also Dings at home to Esher, which could be interesting. Unfortunately the uncertainty of what is happening is typical of the RFU. I remember us beating Exeter in the late nineties on the last day of the season in the Championship and it was not known whether the promotion play offs, that we were potentially involved in, was going to happen, or if indeed there would be relegation, which, if confirmed would have sent Exeter down.
Ultimately the play offs went ahead, and Exeter stayed up as there was ultimately no relegation due to expansion of the Championship from 12 to 14 teams.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 17:25
With the RFU lurking somewhere, they could split Nat 1 into North and South and no one goes down. Depending on the size of Premiership 2, there might be no relegations if more go up due to Worcester, London Irish and Wasps all failing to show up. So we have no idea do we?
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 17:37
Good point although I think it would be criminal to regionalise a great league like National 1. Depends though if the clubs themselves want it. Also it might dilute the quality of the league.
Seeing as the Championship clubs seem not to be interested in the Premiership Cup maybe, as in 1995/96 they might promote 4 and relegate no one.
Bizarre though that we are in March & we have no idea of what is happening. Everyone really needs certainty or it could stilt the whole competition.
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 19:31
Appreciate how frustrating the lack of confirmation of details must be. Having said that the prospect of the Champ being 14 teams & the knock-on effects of this on relegation down the pyramid were shared several weeks ago.
Just checked the RFU London site to check the above and there's an update from last weekend that includes the relegation spreadsheet. See link below. Only 2 down from Nat 1, and 5 from the trio of N2 leagues..." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 21:13
Thanks Tom.
I did see hear about the regional thing. Was it not mentioned last year? What I can’t work out is why they think Nat 1 is a community game? I really don’t see any merits in bringing in any of the ex Prem Clubs. I really don’t think they’ve can bring anything to the table. Some of their fans even think that the Championship should be some kind of feeder to support the Prem teams. Some even say they’d be happy to take a place in Nat 1. !!!! Others saying the Championship clubs have no ambition. Oh my goodness. At the end of the day it’s about the product on the field.
The sense of entitlement is off the scale.
My solution would be to cut out the middle man - put them back in the Premiership. They seem suited to that league. Just leave our National leagues alone. Promotion is earned on the field - not in a committee room.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 21:26
There is some sort of plan where by the RFU give control to the Championship and National leagues in return for not forcing the vote of no confidence to remove some of the hierarchy at the forthcoming extra ordinary meeting.
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2025 at 21:32
I have now read Islanders kind link. On that basis yes it looks to be between you and Esher. I wish you well. You are certainly very difficult to beat. Esher had a purple patch but seem to have dropped off a little so you certainly have a chance.
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 00:50
tigerburnie wrote:
There is some sort of plan where by the RFU give control to the Championship and National leagues in return for not forcing the vote of no confidence to remove some of the hierarchy at the forthcoming extra ordinary meeting. |
Sorry Tigerburnie. It’s been a long day. I didn’t read anything about control to the Championship. I thought it said in a second motion about giving grassroots clubs over to community Rugby.
Does anyone know at what level community Rugby is? National 1 would not be my definition of that as it is effectively semi pro so it can’t be that.
The definition of Community Rugby is stated on the Caldy site as:
“Community Rugby covers Mini and Junior Rugby from U6-Senior Colts (u18), Girls Rugby and Touch Rugby”.
So are we /am I mistaking the term as including the National Leagues when it actually refers to Junior Rugby?
I am confused. Does anyone have any information on this?
Posted By: FlyingRuck
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 08:31
I have been banging on about what is the community game for ages. It is a completely wrong to categorise Nat 1 as being part of the community game. It just isn't.
------------- See you further on up the road
Posted By: Nat1
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 08:46
Agreed. Any club that pays its players (Champ down to Level 5 - Regional 1 on the whole, and some Level 6 clubs too) is not a 'community club' in the truest sense.
Of course nearly all of the Champ Clubs down to Level 5 and beyond to the Counties leagues of Levels 7, 8, 9 etc will have 'community sections' for mini, junior, colts, girls, 2/3 XV, Vets etc to play, but this is quite different from labelling yourself as a 'Championship or National 1 community club' with regards to 1 XVs.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 09:23
We are dealing with the RFU though, so you can discount any form of common sense I would suggest, t will very much depend on their agenda and what they think they could get away with to keep their collective snouts in the trough.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 10:41
Now I may be misunderstanding this statement from an organisation I was not aware existed, but whilst not naming any level directly, seems to imply all leagues not at "elite level". Now do we really think the National leagues are the elite level. Released this afternoon (Tuesday), the Whole Game Union, WGU, have made this corruscating statement:
' Every single one of the proposals in Sir Bill Beaumont’s letter to clubs on February 28th and the supporting RFU document called “Our Commitment to the Community Game” was covered by the statement that members of the Whole Game Union made in submitting our demand for an SGM on January 9th.
The RFU’s document could have been copied from the Whole Game Union’s “A Better Future For Rugby At All Levels” document sent to all RFU-registered clubs in England on Feb 17th. The RFU’s “commitment to the community game” was absent without leave before this recent flurry of activity. They had failed to notice the growing dissatisfaction with the Executive, Board and Council that was obvious from press reports for months before January 9th. Our ‘Better Future’ document summarised months of work and consultation by the WGU which identified from hundreds of clubs the root causes of their dissatisfaction with Twickenham: poor governance; unsustainable finances; bloated administrative structure and neglect of the community game in favour of the elite.
The only elements overlooked by the RFU in their own version of this were the frustration caused by the payment of huge bonuses to their executives and the identification of the RFU Board’s failure to hold those executives to account. The RFU’s actions until last week had focused on defending itself from criticism over its LTIP bonus scheme. The resignation of the Chairman on December 20th was described as a personal decision linked to the “distraction” caused by the LTIP story. The announcement of the Freshfields review was limited to consideration of that bonus scheme.
If you want to know what the RFU really thought, maybe the President of the RFU gave it away last December. Then, in what he thought was a private internal message, he belittled the reporting on growing discontent throughout our game as media spin and clickbait. This showed little “commitment to the community game”. It was only after the SGM letter was reluctantly accepted – having initially been rejected on trivial grounds – that the RFU announced its roadshow. And it was only when the powers that be finally left Twickenham that they seem to have found out just how deep-seated is the resentment at the unfairness meted out to clubs below the elite. What they discovered may have shocked them into action, but it was their attitudes were before they were forced to confront the truth by which they should still be judged now. Because even until the end of last week, the Board and Executive were exhibiting contempt for the Whole Game Union, without whose actions they would still be rooted in TW2, blissfully unaware of the dire state of the game for which they are responsible. Like anyone who tries to express the views of the underprivileged, the WGU is the subject of constant abuse and contempt from Twickenham. Yet only the WGU has accurately represented the collective views of hundreds of clubs and members of the RFU. It is a broad-based group with an advisory board consisting of more than 20 people from clubs at every tier, several Council members and expert former officials of the RFU. It is continually in touch with clubs from all over the country and its support is growing.
The RFU would be well advised to start to take the WGU seriously, to recognise that it is the only way of hearing the collective voice of the English game and to respect its right to a central place in the critical discussions about the future of English rugby.'
Think the Howitzers are now ready to fire!
Posted By: Breakdown
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 11:55
If Richmond isn't a community club, I don't know what is: 4/5 men's XVs, 2 women's, Vets, Colts/Juniors and 600 minis. Goes on annual tour. Works in schools to spread rugby, has defibrillator fundraising campaign and on and on.
But RFC is top of Nat 1 so by some of the definitions here, it isn't a community club. I think if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...
------------- Broken down. Beyond repair.
Posted By: JZSmith
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 12:36
Breakdown wrote:
If Richmond isn't a community club, I don't know what is: 4/5 men's XVs, 2 women's, Vets, Colts/Juniors and 600 minis. Goes on annual tour. Works in schools to spread rugby, has defibrillator fundraising campaign and on and on.
But RFC is top of Nat 1 so by some of the definitions here, it isn't a community club. I think if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...
Exactly. If the definition of a community club is as suggested above there isn't a community club in NL1 and I would suggest very few in the other three NLs.
Let's not attack each other in our haste to disassociate ourselves from the fully Professional game.
Posted By: Halliford
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 15:02
Officially all Clubs from Level 3 (National 1) down are considered Community Clubs. Oversight of National 1 Clubs switched from the Professional Game Board to the Community Game Board about 5 years ago, despite complaints from National 1 Clubs.
The RFU have suggested a second proposition to be voted on at the SGM, although they have yet to say how that can be added legally. That proposition is a Governance Review to be completed by the AGM in the summer. That Review would consider regionalisation of governance. I see a problem with that in that it involves the CBs (turkeys) voting for their potential abolition (Christmas).
It is worth noting that the National Leagues have 1 vote on the RFU Council, probably insufficient given our influence on the game.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2025 at 21:02
Stortford lost, Esher lost and DMP lost, Lions 5 points and a useful lift for their points for and against tally. Stortford travel to DMP next week and the Lions travel to Esher, proper jeopardy, just as tense as the tussle at the top.
Posted By: Se7en
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2025 at 21:53
tigerburnie wrote:
Stortford lost, Esher lost and DMP lost, Lions 5 points and a useful lift for their points for and against tally.Stortford travel to DMP next week and the Lions travel to Esher, proper jeopardy, just as tense as the tussle at the top. |
Jeopardy indeed. But in reality I would say that Leicester Lions are gone with regards to National 1, and should start planning for National 2 East/West/North for next season - which is anyone's guess.
With the increasing decline in relations between the Premiership and leagues below, it will be interesting to see if Leicester Tigers will still loan players out to the Lions, or whether the Lions decide to rebuild with players of their own moving forward, as that is proven to be a more sustainable model when it comes to National League rugby.
Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2025 at 23:13
I would say that the Lions connections with the Tigers and Saints is no different to what it was ten years ago, there has always been a connection, going back to when I was playing in the 1970's and 80's. Not just the Lions either, Hinckley, Loughborough Students all have connections, Leicestershire is a rugby hotbed, over 30 clubs, all with a connection to the Tigers, players have gone both ways. Three Lions player, not dr's, signed Lions played for the Tigers last Friday against Nottingham, one started, two on the bench, so we were three first choice matchday squad players down, so we got three Tigers senior academy lads who are all dr signed who have played for the Lions this season and with two of them, played last season too. They don't win games on their own, the Lions pack today were all Lions that started, no loans. The Lions are new to this level, first time ever last season, small squad, no money behind them, building a team. They now have unders teams and colts that are producing players coming through into the squad, a new club less than 30 years old, building an identity, playing some good rugby, with their own supplemented with loan players to cover injuries or non availability. If the loaned players were a magic wand, we would not be sat where we are, we would be asking for a refund if there was an expectancy to be at the top of the league. Lions core are Lions, not loaned players, they are good club men. When the Lions were promoted, there were no large groups of dr players, there was one, who went to Coventry after the Tigers released him. Yes the Lions have had players like Jack van Poortvleit and George Martin play when they were teenagers, getting their first experience of adult rugby. The Lions didn't win the league that year, but I like to think that England rugby was helped by these young players and they are young players, under 20's not knarled first team Premiership players.
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2025 at 14:39
tigerburnie wrote:
Stortford lost, Esher lost and DMP lost, Lions 5 points and a useful lift for their points for and against tally.Stortford travel to DMP next week and the Lions travel to Esher, proper jeopardy, just as tense as the tussle at the top. |
Win at Esher, Tigerburnie, and you could well have visions of a possible great escape but I guess it really needs to be a 5-0 win in terms of points. Very interesting at both ends of the table if that happens.
Posted By: sedgley dave
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2025 at 16:32
Islander - Thank you for the link to the Relegation spreadsheet.
No relegation from the Championship, and just one club promoted from National One, implies that one of the bankrupt clubs must be about to be reinstated, to make up the 14 clubs at level 2.
One appreciates that they will all be playing cards close to chests, but (apart from a piece about the sad death of Tom Voyce) there has been nothing from Wasps since November. There has been more activity from London Irish, most recently regarding the RFU blocking an attempt by them to join the URC.
Worcester are bullish about their wish to be back at level 2 for the start of the 2025/26 season, so I conclude (2 + 2 = 5 maybe) that they are that 14th team.
If the RFU document is correct and binding, most importantly for my club, we can look forward to a relaxed final five matches of this season, and not a dogfight with Esher to avoid that third relegation slot. Dare we believe that? From the messages above, most people seem to be assuming it.
Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2025 at 17:36
Dave - you wouldn’t be in a dog fight anyway. Much too good.
I also believe your assumption about the 14th team given a post on the Worcester supporters website which reads:
Fissler, on his rugbypass column, mentions WW Mk2 sounding out potential players to form a squad. Make of that what you will ?,17601235,17604924,page=3#msg-17604924" rel="nofollow -,17601235,17604924,page=3#msg-17604924
Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2025 at 21:25
islander wrote:
Appreciate how frustrating the lack of confirmation of details must be. Having said that the prospect of the Champ being 14 teams & the knock-on effects of this on relegation down the pyramid were shared several weeks ago.
Just checked the RFU London site to check the above and there's an update from last weekend that includes the relegation spreadsheet. See link below. Only 2 down from Nat 1, and 5 from the trio of N2 leagues..." rel="nofollow - |
It appears that the 'relegation spreadsheet' mentioned above is being updated after each round of matches... latest one after last Sat as below" rel="nofollow -