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Do you trust the RFU?

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Topic: Do you trust the RFU?
Posted By: Big Eddie
Subject: Do you trust the RFU?
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2025 at 17:02
For me as with most things in life the current furore surrounding the RFU comes down to trust. If the trust in the RFU has gone then fundamental change is required for trust to return. Nothing can be resolved, developed or advanced if there isn't trust.

I have only provided two possible poll responses Yes or No.  I do not think that trust can be subdivided you either trust an organisation or you don't. The poll allows replies so you can caveat with words if you wish but as far as the poll numbers are concerned you either trust the organisation or you don't.

I have done enough of these polls to know that participation in such polls is generally low in number (Normally less than a 100) because you have to be a registered member of Rolling Maul for a certain period of time before you can vote. However, we can use the poll as a barometer to judge how those who are sufficiently immersed in rugby union below the elite level feel. I exhort you all to participate

The poll will close on 31 March 2025

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2025 at 08:07
I will be posting short messages on this thread just to keep it current and at the forefront of everyone's attention. It would be good to get at least a 100 votes

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2025 at 12:01
The poll has now been running for about 5 daylight hours........0 YES votes and 25 NO votes with no caveat comments. 

Obviously we will have to get a lot more votes to make this statistically relevant but I think most people will see the way this is presently headed

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2025 at 15:14
For those that perhaps want to vote YES it would be useful if you provided a comment on why you still trust the RFU

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2025 at 15:19
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

For those that perhaps want to vote YES it would be useful if you provided a comment on why you still trust the RFU

Null set so far BigEddie

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2025 at 17:44
Thirty votes in and the first RFU trustee has just registered a YES vote

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2025 at 09:32
A small number of responses so far but of the 38 who have done so, less than 10 percent trust the RFU. It says everything! Lets get the numbers of responses above a 100 at least ......

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: castleparknight
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2025 at 11:33
I do not trust the RFU, in its current guise, they are self serving and do not have this beautiful game in mind. They are looking out for number one - themselves that is - none of their actions, to date, have proven otherwise. Now big Bill has come along and is already showing that he just wants to be a part of the cabal and look after their own self serving agendas. 

Onward and Upwards C'mon Donny!

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2025 at 08:28
That Castleparkknight is pretty much the nub of the problem.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2025 at 09:14
Good piece in the Times exposing the RFU's hypocrisy over misinformation.......the Times has uncovered that the £900k that the RFU mouth pieces quote as the cost of replacing coaches is at least £1m more as the Leicester Tiger accounts disclose the £1m that the RFU also paid to acquire the services of Borthwick and Sinfield.

The Times is also withering in its condemnation of the RFU's charade of the two Bill's tour of the clubs

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: greenpower
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2025 at 09:27
and dont forget the vast amounts of money wasted on producing  the current national  team  who can count themselves lucky that there are two worse teams in the six nations  wales and scotland

Posted By: JZSmith
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2025 at 12:36
Originally posted by greenpower greenpower wrote:

and dont forget the vast amounts of money wasted on producing  the current national  team  who can count themselves lucky that there are two worse teams in the six nations  wales and scotland

I suspect you meant Wales and Italy?

Posted By: greenpower
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2025 at 14:57
alright  maybe  a bit harsh on the jocks  wales and italy then  

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 10:28
47 respondents so far .....3 trust the RFU 44 don't trust the RFU ..........direction of travel is clear. It would be good to get 100+ responses

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: JZSmith
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 11:00
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

47 respondents so far .....3 trust the RFU 44 don't trust the RFU ..........direction of travel is clear. It would be good to get 100+ responses

I am rather concerned Eddie. Has medical assistance been provided for the three?

(Or maybe directions to the nearest opticians to help them distinguish between the voting buttons?) 

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 11:31
Well JKS you are right to be concerned. Similar straw polls from around the world regarding the trustworthiness of dubious politicians, organisations and countries revealed the following:

Do you trust Donald Trump?    Yes 52% No 48% 
Do you trust Kim Jong - Un?    Yes 82% No 18%
Do you trust Keir Starmer?      Yes 41% No 59%
Do you trust the BBC?             Yes 50% No 50%
Do you trust Russia                 Yes 36% No 64%

With trust in the RFU currently hovering around 6% (in this far more rigorous poll) as an organisation the RFU has a bit of work to get those £5k a day management consultants in to do a bit more spinning

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 13:12
Do you trust random Polls?


Our City,
Our Club

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 14:26
Kimbo my last comments re Donald, Kim and Keir etc were in jest. However the poll on whether members of the Rolling Maul forum trust the RFU is a serious attempt to gauge the mood amongst rugby people. I know this is a small sample size but the poll is being responded to by people who are seriously interested in club rugby in England.

I have put up such polls in the past and from memory generally such polls have registered about 25% to 30% support for the RFU. For the RFU's level of trust to only be at 6% in this poll shows how far such trust has declined.

The RFU apologists will say that less than 50 responses is pathetic and means nothing. I disagree.....there is a groundswell for radical change with apparently some 200+ clubs having no confidence in the leadership of the RFU which shows the level of discontent.

I suspect that the 94% of RM poll responders who have so far expressed their lack of trust in the RFU is likely to be a representative view of those who have properly thought about the matter

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 14:58
I can’t believe 3 have voted yes.

Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 15:18
Originally posted by Rothman2 Rothman2 wrote:

I can’t believe 3 have voted yes.
Neither can I, but my disdain for random Polls remains.

Our City,
Our Club

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 15:53
Originally posted by Rothman2 Rothman2 wrote:

I can’t believe 3 have voted yes.

Perhaps they work for the RFU? Although having said that I do know some RFU employees who are deeply upset with King Billy's bonus at a time that some of their hard working colleagues have been made redundant.

For what its worth here are 10 reasons (I could list a lot more) why I do not trust the RFU and directly beneath these 10 reasons all the reasons why in my opinion I should trust the RFU. 

If I have any of my facts wrong I will be happy to correct this post (although such corrective information may not on its own change my mistrust.......once the trust has gone it is very, very difficult to restore)

10 reasons why I do not trust the RFU

1. The byzantine governance structure of the RFU is opaque, breeds mistrust and is very heavily loaded in favour of the RFU Executive
2. As far as I can deduce from various constitutional documents I have looked at, the Board of the RFU appoints the members of the Board of the RFU (enabling cronyism at its absolute worst) how can this possibly be allowed ?
3. The RFU Council which used to be the 'oversight watchdog' appears to have absolutely no power being only able to rubber stamp the decisions made by the Executive 
4. The pay and rations for the Executive does not seem to be based upon any common sense measure of performance.  The RFU Executive have paid themselves significant bonuses in a time when the game and their own staff are suffering
5. The vast majority of the RFU's resources (which in reality are the resources of all 1600+ rugby clubs in England) are very clearly skewed to the elite game and just 10 out of the 1600+ clubs
6. The RFU play fast and loose with the league structures below the Premiership and often do not even set out the rules re promotion and relegation until the season is nearly over.
7.The RFU cut the funding of Championship clubs from £650k pa to £150k pa so they could maintain their ridiculous funding of the 10 hugely loss making Premiership clubs. Now the RFU wants these 2nd tier clubs to fund significant infrastructure improvements to remain in the 2nd tier. You couldn't make it up!
8. The RFU seems to be happy for one of Worcester Warriors/Wasps or London Irish to return to the league structure at level 2 even those 3 clubs have previously gone spectacularly bust leaving creditors unpaid and previous insolvencies have required clubs to go to the bottom of the pyramid.
9. The RFU has cut virtually all funding to clubs below level 2 whilst enriching those at the top of the game.
10. Recent coverage in the media suggests that the RFU Executive uses spin, deflection and external experts to justify its unacceptable, unfair and undemocratic behaviour.

Reasons why perhaps I should trust the RFU

I cannot think of one reason why I should trust the RFU. If anyone can please do let us know, I am sure those viewing Rolling Maul will be genuinely interested. It would be good to understand the view point of the 3 posters who have said they do trust the RFU. 

If any of the three such responders are to provide some insight on here it would be helpful in furthering understanding, perhaps they have some direct experience that supports their view and I for one would be pleased to hear such views. Accordingly I believe it is fundamental that their point of view is respected and not denigrated one is going to post such a comment if they are going to get a barrage of vitriolic abuse.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 16:04
Maybe not even that. Maybe there are people “avvin a laugh” as they say. I’m all for having a laugh but this subject isn’t one of them.

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 16:07
Originally posted by Rothman2 Rothman2 wrote:

Maybe not even that. Maybe there are people “avvin a laugh” as they say. I’m all for having a laugh but this subject isn’t one of them.

Rothman2 I presume your comment is in relation to the 3 voters who trust the RFU?

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Rothman2
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 18:25
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

Originally posted by Rothman2 Rothman2 wrote:

Maybe not even that. Maybe there are people “avvin a laugh” as they say. I’m all for having a laugh but this subject isn’t one of them.

Rothman2 I presume your comment is in relation to the 3 voters who trust the RFU?

Sorry Ed. Absolutely I mean the three who voted yes. Apologies for any misunderstanding. I agree with everything you have said. I don’t trust the RFU and haven’t for 25 years or more. Nothing will change until the old guard are cleared out and replaced by people who have interests in the whole of Rugby and not just the England team or the Premiership at heart.

There are many historical references I could post but, suffice to say, the RFU are not fit for purpose. How they can even contemplate restructure at this time is beyond me and the situation will not improve until EVERY club outside the Prem stands up as one and demands change.

Posted By: Camquin
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 21:06
If you do, they will be derided as 57 old farts by the professional game.
The problem is that the amateur game needs the international game to generate income to use to promote and develop the game.

Which means the England team needs to be somewhat successful.
We need a way to develop international players.

The problem is what to do with the professional clubs
But we cannot afford to spend all the income supporting them.
As then the amateur game gets the scraps.

So we need strict spending limits.
Which even some in the pro game admit - especially when not speaking for a current club.

But I do not know how to get there from here.

Sweeney Delenda Est

Posted By: gerg_861
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2025 at 21:07
The action that shattered my trust in the RFU was the blatant lie that they told to justify defunding the Championship. For those who aren't aware, the RFU claimed that the Championship teams had not met any of a number of agreed targets around such things as community engagement and player development. These targets were a complete and utter fiction, and no one in any club that I have spoke to had ever heard of them. If the RFU just needed more money to shovel at the PRL, then they should have been brave enough to say so.

Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 05:55
the "Championship funding cut because of Covid" line from Twickenham is another leading 'mistruth' - the first round of swingeing cuts was confirmed in January 2020, prior to there being any appreciation (outside a handful of clever scientists) of the likely effect of Covid...

Posted By: Breakdown
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 08:37
Martin St Quinton was very good on the BBC sports podcast last week. Said nothing would change until the PRL salary cap was decided by an independent body and was directly linked to the clubs' funding from PRL and the RFU.

Basically said 'We can't compete with the French (clubs), so we shouldn't try.

He said the whole business model of Premiership clubs was broken. All clubs should be trying to break even. The proof of this was the fact that Newcastle and at least one other club who is looking for new owners cannot find them.

I wonder what would happen if instead of eight clubs competing in Europe, we put forward three or four combined clubs representing regions? West, London, Midlands, North. Would provide a new kind of competition within PRL (which could grow to 12 or 14 with Championship clubs included), would revive memories of the sides that used to take on touring national sides, would mean that when Europe was on, the remaining players would make the Premiership still worth watching.  And I suspect would aid the England selectors.

Broken down. Beyond repair.

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 08:53
Thank you gerg 861 and islander for shedding light on the reasons why you don't trust the RFU. In my view it is important that these aspects of the RFU's disreputable behaviour are brought to light so that they cannot easily perpetuate the myth that it is them that are wronged by 'misinformation' spread by malicious malcontents.

Which is the disingenuous playbook currently favoured by the RFU. When I talk to friends who are football people and know very little about rugby they are truly incredulous that a major sport is governed in such a shocking manner.

Rugby Union used to be sport's moral standard bearer upholding the values of integrity, fairness and equity......sadly those days are long passed as the behaviour of the leadership of the RFU continues to corrode such values and erode trust in the organisation and the sport.

In my view it is important to share the reasons why you do not trust the RFU or if you have the contrary view why you do trust the RFU and this thread is a good place for all such rationale to be documented.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: rugbychris
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 11:41
They are an organisation that is constantly spinning misinformation. Treating their member clubs like fools.

Just recently Beaumont sends a letter to clubs urging for unity. In the letter he mentions playing numbers being up to pre-covid levels? Sweeney on the, "good the bad and the rugby" podcast drops into conversation that playing numbers are actually quite good this season.

Everyone in grassroots rugby knows this to be untrue.

However, before Covid you only needed to register to play for your club if you represented the 1st XV. Now, EVERYONE who plays men's rugby has to register. The RFU can now declare an increase in numbers. Gins all-round.

It's this culture of lies and spin that will eventually destroy the union. It doesn't matter what happens with Sweeney and the Exec board the rot has well and truly set in and the reputation of the RFU is damaged beyond repair. 

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 12:09
Rugby Chris on!

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: titans.chris
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 16:08
Wakefield, Orrell, London Welsh, Jersey (Nearly Roth) - SEE YA!

Worcester, Wasps, Irish - come back when you are ready. We will keep your seat warm. Don't worry about any champ team in your spot, we will move them aside for you. 

Posted By: BP Youth
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 16:39
"We’re always pushing ourselves to create a more inclusive culture for our employees too. We have a number of employee network groups that provide peer-to-peer support while driving forward change and improvements."
I find it hard to place any trust in an organisation that states this as part of its purpose and culture whilst making people redundant.

It's only a game

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 17:05
Very valid point BP Youth........comments like this in annual reports always appear to me as self congratulatory fluff. I know from conversations that I have had with a number of RFU employees that they were shocked and disgusted with the salary hike and bonuses awarded by the Executives to themselves when everything around them was being cut including people, expense reimbursement policy and other matters that hit them hard.

Any organisation where the leadership clearly thinks about their own pay and rations ahead of considering the people who work for them is not to be trusted as far as I am concerned.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: FHLH
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 20:57
Look back to 2015/16 and the East Stand Development together with the sale of the hospitality business to Compass. There was a trading loss of ~£30m, an overspend on the development of £40m and income proceeds of ~£30m from the business sale. 

Then there was the CVC sale proceeds distributed to Premiership clubs who soaked it up like a sponge & don't forget the 54 redundancies in 2016 and the 42 now. 

Then there was Sue Day's (Chief Financial Officer) financial forecast of cumulative future losses.

All of these muddy the water around RFU finances. I've been looking at company accounts for almost 60 years and find the Annual Report difficult to fathom. If only we could inspect the accounts - not sure what the rules for non profits are.

That's why I don't trust the RFU.

"My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones, if you put a sword through their hearts."

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2025 at 23:28
Thanks FHLH......I don't understand the RFU's accounts either and I have been looking at company accounts all my adult life ......but not quite as long as you.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: NeverbeentoChinnor
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2025 at 10:46

Top brass from the Rugby Football Union – including former England captain Sir Bill Beaumont - were at Colchester’s Raven Park this week to address wide-ranging issues surrounding the future of the game in England.

The session was part of an RFU roadshow touring clubs across the country ahead of a special general meeting to be held after the Six Nations at which chief executive Bill Sweeney is expected to face calls to resign over a long-running pay and bonus row.

Tuesday’s session, at which a whole range of topics about the future of the game was raised, was attended by around 12 clubs from Essex and across eastern England.

Alongside Sweeney and Beaumont - who is now interim chairman of the union - the RFU delegation included president Rob Udwin and a number of the Union’s council members, with the session moderated by TV presenter and Esher RFC stalwart John Inverdale.

The issue of Sweeney’s controversial salary and £358,000 bonus package was raised, with comparison made with the dozens of hours put in by unpaid club volunteers up and down the country to keep the game going at lower levels.

But it was just one of a whole range of issues on the minds of the club representatives with everything from the increased administrative form-filling required by the RFU to the number of different TV channels rugby fans must pay for to follow their favourite sport on the agenda.

A common theme was the increasing burden placed on volunteers to keep community and grassroots rugby clubs functioning at a time when the union are planning to spend hundreds of millions on refurbishing Twickenham stadium.

“We have to upgrade Twickenham,” Sweeney told the gathering. “It’s a cash-generator for the game as a whole and it’s very old.

“What we charge for tickets means we have to improve. The seats are too small, the toilets are horrendous, there’s not enough space and hospitality facilities are not good enough.”

Sweeney said Twickenham was falling behind other more modern stadia in London like Wembley and Tottenham’s ground and was losing out on staging revenue-raising events.

Sweeny was asked about the departure in 2022 of England head coach Eddie Jones, who he described as “a workaholic” with “an abrasive style” but said many England players had described him as the best coach they’d ever had.

Just three days after England lost to Ireland in Dublin, Sweeney gave unequivocal backing to current coach Steve Borthwick, but ahead of Saturday’s home match against favourites France, he stressed the team should be doing better, saying improved results would trickle down to the entire game.

“We’ve won four Six Nations titles in 21 years and that’s not good enough. But we’ve put a new pathway in place. The England Under 18s and Under 20s are doing well and that will all help.”

More than one club representative raised the issue of financial help from the RFU to improve their facilities.

The representative of Saffron Walden RFC said recent bad weather meant that they needed to find around £12,000 to improve their pitch and that the only option was to “go out with the begging bowl.”

Other topics included the thorny and perennial issue of the paying of players in clubs lower down the league pyramid and whether women’s and girls’ rugby were being given enough support by Twickenham.

But one thing everyone agreed upon was the fabulous facilities Colchester now have at Raven Park.

“It’s absolutely incredible,” said Beaumont. “Great facilities attract players – men, women, girls, boys – and I just think the club here have got it absolutely right.”

And the former England and British and Irish Lions legend’s thoughts on England’s prospects at home to France on Saturday?

“You’ve always got to go into games with optimism. Whenever I put on the jersey – and these lads will be the same – you think you’re going to win.”

Posted By: One For The Ditch
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2025 at 11:18
Was anything acheived?

I attended the Stafford get together; I think that circa 40 clubs were represented, NMids and Staffodshire CB committee members were there in force.

A number of issues were discussed and there was admission of poor comms/PR on the part of the RFU.

We did press for granular detail on how the £30M allocated to Community Rugby was made up; despite the amount of high priced help in attendance, who sit around the board room table,  little - if anything - was forthcoming. 

Sir Bill also suggested that the Council Members, supporting significant change, would be "Turkeys voting for Christmas ".

It would be good to get feedback from the other Community Engagement Sessions

Posted By: JZSmith
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2025 at 11:49
Originally posted by One For The Ditch One For The Ditch wrote:

Was anything acheived?

I attended the Stafford get together; I think that circa 40 clubs were represented, NMids and Staffodshire CB committee members were there in force.

A number of issues were discussed and there was admission of poor comms/PR on the part of the RFU.

We did press for granular detail on how the £30M allocated to Community Rugby was made up; despite the amount of high priced help in attendance, who sit around the board room table,  little - if anything - was forthcoming. 

Sir Bill also suggested that the Council Members, supporting significant change, would be "Turkeys voting for Christmas ".

It would be good to get feedback from the other Community Engagement Sessions

This sums it up for me. All Sweeney and the trough-dwellers admit to is poor comms and the roadshow seems to be an exercise to suggest this is to be improved. The real purpose of course is to keep them in the trough.

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2025 at 07:50
This poll and thread is becalmed at present........we need to keep it moving forward

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2025 at 08:25
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

This poll and thread is becalmed at present........we need to keep it moving forward

Should we adopt the old Irish maxim for elections: vote early… & vote often?!

Posted By: Paul10
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2025 at 10:11
"Stop the Count"

Or too soon?

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2025 at 12:14
Originally posted by islander islander wrote:

Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

This poll and thread is becalmed at present........we need to keep it moving forward

Should we adopt the old Irish maxim for elections: vote early… & vote often?!

Vote early for sure.....I have ensured it is one person one vote

''The future isn't what it used to be''

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