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Letter to the Rugby Paper

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Topic: Letter to the Rugby Paper
Posted By: Big Eddie
Subject: Letter to the Rugby Paper
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 09:24
Today I read with some dismay a letter published in The Rugby Paper with the headline "Caldy were Allowed to exploit Weakness"

The weakness that the writer ('Mr Peter Warren') was alleging was in the performance of the officials who according to Mr Warren 'allowed Caldy to play like a soccer team against Rosslyn Park' and alleging that Caldy players were arguing with the referee, standing offside, holding onto the ball after infringements, obstructing runners and got a Rosslyn Park player red carded by feigning injury'

According to Mr Warren Caldy did not play in the spirit that rugby should be played in.

I am shocked and dismayed that the Rugby Paper published this letter because if The Rugby Paper had decided to do any investigation whatsoever it would have seen that Mr Warren's letter had no basis in fact at all and was clearly just a case of Mr Warren being upset that his side lost a game of rugby and taking out his frustrations on Caldy and the Officials.

I was at the game and I didn't see any of what Mr Warrem alleges and anyone reviewing the video footage of the incident for which Benji Marfo was red carded could only conclude that the referee was completely correct in his decision. Caldy's prop Nathan Rushton who was on the ground at a ruck was illegally holding Marfo's foot ...Marfo took the law into his own hands and repeatedly knee dropped onto Nathan Rushton's head was one of the clearest red cards I have ever seen. The referee rightly also sent Rushton to the bin for 10 minutes for his own illegal offence.

Here is the 7 minute video from Rosslyn Park that shows highlights of the game and the red card incident. Judge for yourselves" rel="nofollow -   the incident is about 2 minutes into Rosslyn Park's video clip

The Rosslyn Park supporters I talked to were magnaminous in defeat ..........Mr Warren's sour grapes doesn't become rugby or Rosslyn Park but  it is inexcusable for The Rugby Paper to publish Mr Warren's letter which maligns Caldy and the officials on the day.

The match was a magnificent game of rugby played in a good spirit. 

I will be writing to The Rugby Paper

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: seagoon
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 10:17
Well said BE 
I dread to think how bad the referee must have been, at Chinnor, yesterday LOLLOLLOL

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

Posted By: Scrumtime
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 10:23
Rosslyn Park in self entitled shock …nah that cannot be true 

Posted By: Kimbo
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 10:36
Originally posted by Scrumtime Scrumtime wrote:

Rosslyn Park in self entitled shock …nah that cannot be true 

One supporter of?

Our City,
Our Club

Posted By: Count Ford
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 11:06
Funny that the letter should mention 'spirit of rugby' .

I think crying to a newspaper after your team has lost instead of acting with some grace and respect to the victors  is far from 'the spirit of rugby' . I suppose the 7 other defeats were all someone else's fault too 

Quite why the rugby paper felt it worthwhile to include what is is essence some post match clubhouse 'we was robbed' talk is another matter.

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 11:32
I should make it clear that I have no problem with Mr Warren having a different view of the game than I did and I can to an extent understand his frustration at losing what some at Rosslyn Park had billed as 'their biggest game in 20 years'. 

However, I think it is entirely wrong of The Rugby Paper to publish Mr Warren's distorted views which besmirch both Caldy and the Referee. Publishing such blinkered ill founded views in The Rugby Paper gives credence to Mr Warren's obvious view that Caldy are some how disreputable and do not deserve to be leading National 1 or by the tenor of his remarks even playing against the gentlemen of Rosslyn Park. 

For my part I do not believe Mr Warren's views are the views of most at Rosslyn Park who in my interaction with them, both before and after the game, were generous in their praise for Caldy and what this very small club has achieved.

I would hope that if Mr Warren watches the video clip he will reflect that his upset at losing what he probably viewed as the biggest of games for Rosslyn Park probably got the better of him.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Deva Delinquent
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:03
Having differing options and expressing/debating them through this forum is one thing (I think for most of us it's the main reason we contribute), but for TRP to publish a letter from an author clearly showing signs of cognitive dissonance, it is something I'd expect to see from the gutter-press and not the main print publication for Rugby Union.

Absolutely no need for it.

Posted By: cheshire exile
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:22
Great way of motivating officials too.

Posted By: Scrumtime
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:32
I hope he’s on the blower tomorrow morning 
After a centre page spread post yesterdays result 
Try 5 was a forward pass and try 7 could well have been offside! 

Posted By: Count Ford
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:42
Originally posted by Deva Delinquent Deva Delinquent wrote:

Having differing options and expressing/debating them through this forum is one thing (I think for most of us it's the main reason we contribute), but for TRP to publish a letter from an author clearly showing signs of cognitive dissonance, it is something I'd expect to see from the gutter-press and not the main print publication for Rugby Union.

Absolutely no need for it.

Maybe someone could start a viz style rival publication. The Rugby Piper.

Made up exclusively of 'sour grape' letters from disgruntled losing  supporters. It'd certainly be an entertaining read and the sort of place such a letter should be..not in a supposedly 'serious' rugby publication 

Posted By: Even Older Hooker
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:45
It was only a very short letter, or it was heavily edited Wink

Another one against the head

Posted By: Deva Delinquent
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 12:47
Originally posted by Count Ford Count Ford wrote:

Originally posted by Deva Delinquent Deva Delinquent wrote:

Having differing options and expressing/debating them through this forum is one thing (I think for most of us it's the main reason we contribute), but for TRP to publish a letter from an author clearly showing signs of cognitive dissonance, it is something I'd expect to see from the gutter-press and not the main print publication for Rugby Union.

Absolutely no need for it.

Maybe someone could start a viz style rival publication. The Rugby Piper.

Made up exclusively of 'sour grape' letters from disgruntled losing  supporters. It'd certainly be an entertaining read and the sort of place such a letter should be..not in a supposedly 'serious' rugby publication 

For all we know TRP has already transitioned into a parody publication, the joke's on us all for not realising sooner LOL

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 13:10
Originally posted by Even Older Hooker Even Older Hooker wrote:

It was only a very short letter, or it was heavily edited Wink

Unfortunately Mr Warren's allegations published by The Rugby Paper are no less offensive for being brief. The Rugby Paper could have made it even shorter and just have paraphrased Mr Warren ........

'The Scousers from Caldy conned a weak referee and they should know their place and be confined to Merseyside and the North so they can't ruin English club rugby by spreading their mischief throughout the country'

If I was referee Adam Wookey I would be furious at the Rugby Paper. I thought he had a very decent game and he handled the Benji Marfo incident expertly and correctly as the sound track on the video clip makes completely clear. At no point in the game was I at all critical of his decsion making, he let the game flow which was why it was such a fast paced tumultuous game. In my book any game where I don't particularly notice the referee's involvement is almost always a decent performance by the official.

The Rugby Paper owe Adam Wookey an apology and the RFU should be stepping in to support their officials." rel="nofollow - .....two minutes in

At the foot of the back page of Rosslyn Park's match day programme Rosslyn Park has the following fine words:

Rosslyn Park FC will not tolerate any form of abuse of Match Officials. Anyone indulging in such behaviour will be ejected from the ground, additionally any of our own members doing so will be liable to suspension from the club.

Rosslyn Park is a fine rugby club and no blame should be attached to them for the contents of Mr Warren's letter. That lies entirely with Mr Warren and The Rugby Paper....with the Rugby Paper being the most culpable....they should know better

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Scrumtime
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 13:49

'The Scousers from Caldy conned a weak referee and they should know their place and be confined to Merseyside and the North so they can't ruin English club rugby by spreading their mischief throughout the country'

Now that’s funny but you are not far from the truth 
Oh how the RFU are hoping you stumble 

For every real rugby supporter we hope you go all the way 

Posted By: Deva Delinquent
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 14:19
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

Originally posted by Even Older Hooker Even Older Hooker wrote:

It was only a very short letter, or it was heavily edited Wink

'The Scousers from Caldy conned a weak referee and they should know their place and be confined to Merseyside and the North so they can't ruin English club rugby by spreading their mischief throughout the country'

It also seems that geography isn't one of Mr Warren's strong points either. 

Posted By: Runitback
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 15:04
The rugby paper were very wrong to publish the letter.

Run with it

Posted By: greenpower
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 15:40
congratulations to caldy best team won on the day   

Posted By: FHLH
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 16:38
Can't find a copy in the newsagents, but as we all know you play to the officials decisions, end of.

"My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones, if you put a sword through their hearts."

Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 19:29
I was at the game and felt it was well handled by the officials. There was a lengthy time-out after the incident with the winger & the prop, at the end of which I feel few people would argue with the 1Red + 1Yellow outcome. Caldy perhaps a little fortunate to get away with blatant spoiling around the hour mark after a dangerous RP attack (pen given + kicked for 17-11, but no yellow card) however that was a single incident and doesn't justify what this sour loser has written...

Posted By: Raider999
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 20:03
Originally posted by islander islander wrote:

I was at the game and felt it was well handled by the officials. There was a lengthy time-out after the incident with the winger & the prop, at the end of which I feel few people would argue with the 1Red + 1Yellow outcome. Caldy perhaps a little fortunate to get away with blatant spoiling around the hour mark after a dangerous RP attack (pen given + kicked for 17-11, but no yellow card) however that was a single incident and doesn't justify what this sour loser has written...

You cannot argue with an independent unbiased view.    


Posted By: front5
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 22:04
Very poor form by both the publisher and the original writer of said piece.

Caldy absolutely deserve the position they hold with a strong team not full of DRs supported from a great community club. 

Well done Caldy on a terrific season 

Posted By: Clive Norling
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2022 at 22:08
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

I was at the game and I didn't see any of what Mr Warrem alleges and anyone reviewing the video footage of the incident for which Benji Marfo was red carded could only conclude that the referee was completely correct in his decision. Caldy's prop Nathan Rushton who was on the ground at a ruck was illegally holding Marfo's foot ...Marfo took the law into his own hands and repeatedly knee dropped onto Nathan Rushton's head was one of the clearest red cards I have ever seen. The referee rightly also sent Rushton to the bin for 10 minutes for his own illegal offence.

I know very little about refereeing (according to many people!) but that is such a clear red card, the official was spot on with the Y/C and the R/C ... FWIW it's immaterial if the Caldy player "milked" the knee to the head, the R/C was already going to be given ....

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2022 at 07:06
I am writing to The Rugby Paper today as a Caldy supporter with no official endorsement from Caldy Rugby club who I am sure will want to solely focus on next week's game away at Rams.

I will provide The Rugby Paper with a link to the Rosslyn Park video clip so they can judge for themselves whether Mr Warren's letter was accurate" rel="nofollow -   the red card incident which Mr Warren refers to is about 2 minutes in

For those that haven't read Mr Warren's letter in the April 10 edition of The Rugby Paper I have reproduced it fully below:

Caldy were allowed to exploit weakness

LAST weekend a weak referee allowed Caldy to play like a soccer team against Rosslyn Park. Players were arguing with the ref all match, holding on to the ball after infringements, obstructing runners, standing offside, and got a player red carded by feigning injury. This is not in the spirit in which rugby should be played. This Key match in the National One title race needed an experienced ref to manage.

Peter Warren

It will be interesting to see if The Rugby Paper publishes my letter. For full transparency I will post a copy of my letter to The Rugby Paper on this thread.

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Thunderbird
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2022 at 08:16
If you get a local library card,you can register with the press reader app. You then get the RP for free and first thing in the morning. SmileSmileSmileSmile

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2022 at 21:59
I have written to The Rugby Paper this evening. I had promised to copy my letter onto Rolling Maul but I have thought some more about this and I think it is only fair that The Rugby Paper gets a chance to respond and perhaps set the record straight.

The Rugby Paper just may not have appreciated the upset that Mr Warren's letter may have caused to Adam Wookey and the Caldy players so unlike Mr Warren I have decided not to 'go off on one'.

I fervently hope that Mr Warren's letter was just something that slipped through the 'net' and The Rugby Paper will allow me to provide a balanced response to Mr Warren's spiteful attack.

Here's hoping


''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: kingsheathlad
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 07:13
Well done Big Eddie and I hope you have some positive response and all the best to Caldy on their quest for promotion. 

Cauliflower ear.

Posted By: castleparknight
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 09:00
Having looked at the video, and said incident involving the Red and Yellow Card the referee was bang on the money. As for the letter I propose we ignore this one individual, who has not only tarnished the good name of our sport but by association he could have tarnished the name of Roslyn Park - that club does not deserve to have someone who behaves like that as a supporter. 

The result was very tight, as befits the position of the two clubs in the league - there is still some games to go and good luck to both of you in your quest for the title (and potentially promotion - for the top two)

Onward and Upwards C'mon Donny!

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 09:06
Originally posted by kingsheathlad kingsheathlad wrote:

Well done Big Eddie and I hope you have some positive response and all the best to Caldy on their quest for promotion. 

Thank you for your support kingsheathlad. The shock and upset that everyone at Caldy felt when they read Mr Warren's letter in The Rugby Paper was soothed by the support from posters like you on Rolling Maul. 

As I am sure you are aware Caldy is a small club and it is justifiably proud of both its on field performance so far this season and also the traditional rugby ethos it has at its core. Caldy values respect, fair play and sportsmanship above everything else and there was very real concern that Caldy's good name and reputation could be tarnished by fifty bitter ill judged words in The Rugby Paper

The fact Caldy has received such support from proper rugby people on Rolling Maul makes a very big difference.

Thanks again everyone

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: jimbojetset
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 09:36
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

Originally posted by kingsheathlad kingsheathlad wrote:

Well done Big Eddie and I hope you have some positive response and all the best to Caldy on their quest for promotion. 

Thank you for your support kingsheathlad. The shock and upset that everyone at Caldy felt when they read Mr Warren's letter in The Rugby Paper was soothed by the support from posters like you on Rolling Maul. 

As I am sure you are aware Caldy is a small club and it is justifiably proud of both its on field performance so far this season and also the traditional rugby ethos it has at its core. Caldy values respect, fair play and sportsmanship above everything else and there was very real concern that Caldy's good name and reputation could be tarnished by fifty bitter ill judged words in The Rugby Paper

The fact Caldy has received such support from proper rugby people on Rolling Maul makes a very big difference.

Thanks again everyone

Let's be honest, every club has that member we wish we didn't have (or at least pretend they were from another club). The guy writing the letter to the RP is just one of those. I think we can all see from the video that it was a red card (contact with head twice), it was also a yellow from a player who was doing what a lot of forwards do every week and either get caught, or don't. We all know that getting under the skin of your opposition is part of the game and always has been. The rest of the letter was just the whining of someone who thinks that any loss must be the fault of something other than being beaten on the day by a team playing better rugby. 
Finally I'd say, that I've only ever read the rugby paper once, it allocated three tries to the wrong player, spelled the name of one of the players incorrectly and posted a picture of a player and called him by the wrong name in the caption, so if anyone's reputation is damaged, it's more likely to be the Rugby Paper for publishing this nonsense.

Posted By: Tyke
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 09:51
Caldy were allowed to exploit weakness

LAST weekend a weak referee allowed Caldy to play like a soccer team against Rosslyn Park. Players were arguing with the ref all match, holding on to the ball after infringements, obstructing runners, standing offside, and got a player red carded by feigning injury. This is not in the spirit in which rugby should be played. This Key match in the National One title race needed an experienced ref to manage.

1. I would not describe Adam Wookey as inexperienced

2. Perhaps Mr. Warren would care to read the Disciplinary Hearing judgement (which was posted on the RFU web site yesterday) in which the RP player admitted his guilt.

Just saying.

If only Webb-Ellis hadn't given them the ball back!

Posted By: Clive Norling
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 10:08
Originally posted by Tyke Tyke wrote:

<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">Caldy were allowed to exploit weakness<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">
<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">LAST weekend a weak referee allowed Caldy to play like a soccer team against Rosslyn Park. Players were arguing with the ref all match, holding on to the ball after infringements, obstructing runners, standing offside, and got a player red carded by feigning injury. This is not in the spirit in which rugby should be played.This Key match in the National One title race needed an experienced ref to manage.<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">
<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">1. I would not describe Adam Wookey as inexperienced<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">
<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">2. Perhaps Mr. Warren would care to read the Disciplinary Hearing judgement (which was posted on the RFU web site yesterday) in which the RP player admitted his guilt.<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">
<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">Just saying.<div style=": rgb251, 251, 253;">

In fact not only is he not "inexperienced", he was given that game specifically and was being watched by the RFU Referee Manager to see if he is ready to take the next step up to The Championship ....

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 10:15
All very true Jimbo Lad,

The issue wasn't so much Mr Warren's scurrilous words but rather that The Rugby Paper published them. A casual reader of The Rugby Paper could well conclude that the Caldy players were a group of scallies. 

In my opinion the referee Adam Wookey had a very decent game and his reputation and competence was undeservedly called into question by the publication of Mr Warren's letter.

The Rugby Paper responded very quickly and positively to my letter and I expect we can shortly put this to bed.

Till we meet again Jimbo Lad

Kind Regards

Big Eddie

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Jester10
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 17:36
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday at OBR Big Eddie, I'll be the bloke with the camera. 

Enjoying life!

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2022 at 18:03
Originally posted by Jester10 Jester10 wrote:

Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday at OBR Big Eddie, I'll be the bloke with the camera. 

I will be there Jester..............although we don't know Graham we trust

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: hills17
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2022 at 10:26
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

Originally posted by kingsheathlad kingsheathlad wrote:

Well done Big Eddie and I hope you have some positive response and all the best to Caldy on their quest for promotion. 

Thank you for your support kingsheathlad. The shock and upset that everyone at Caldy felt when they read Mr Warren's letter in The Rugby Paper was soothed by the support from posters like you on Rolling Maul. 

As I am sure you are aware Caldy is a small club and it is justifiably proud of both its on field performance so far this season and also the traditional rugby ethos it has at its core. Caldy values respect, fair play and sportsmanship above everything else and there was very real concern that Caldy's good name and reputation could be tarnished by fifty bitter ill judged words in The Rugby Paper

The fact Caldy has received such support from proper rugby people on Rolling Maul makes a very big difference.

Thanks again everyone

Yes good club is Caldy, one of my favourites to visit. It was nice to appreciate what your club is about last month. To go down and bounce back was a great achievement and now challenging at the top. I almost wrote could be on verge of winning the league but there are still 2/3 games left for teams, i'm sure you're just thinking of the next one Big Eddie. From the two games I've seen this season, there is nothing malicious about Caldy, it was great to appreciate some nice tries the other week knowing Caldy top at the time.

Posted By: WEvans
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2022 at 17:29
Originally posted by Scrumtime Scrumtime wrote:

I hope he’s on the blower tomorrow morning 
After a centre page spread post yesterdays result 
Try 5 was a forward pass and try 7 could well have been offside! 

This can't be true as you haven't posted "Fact !" at the end.

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 09:56
Originally posted by hills17 hills17 wrote:

Yes good club is Caldy, one of my favourites to visit. It was nice to appreciate what your club is about last month. To go down and bounce back was a great achievement and now challenging at the top. I almost wrote could be on verge of winning the league but there are still 2/3 games left for teams, i'm sure you're just thinking of the next one Big Eddie. From the two games I've seen this season, there is nothing malicious about Caldy, it was great to appreciate some nice tries the other week knowing Caldy top at the time.

Hills17 your kind words are appreciated and you are correct to say nothing is done or won yet. A very tough match against Rams on Saturday and the journey to get there is going to be an ordeal all of its own.

Easter Saturday
No trains running
Probably 100,000 Liverpool and Man City supporters travelling down the M6 

This is where team work, collective responsibility and trust in each other really matters. 

It is all down to GRAHAM......if he f**ks it up I will be writing a letter to The Rugby Paper to let everyone know

'In Graham we Trust'

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Even Older Hooker
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 10:02
Big Eddie. Do a Worthing go the day before enjoy the local Hosp match ditto home Sunday.Big smileBig smile.
PS Very Good luck sounds as though you have a great club to support.

Another one against the head

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 10:14
Originally posted by Even Older Hooker Even Older Hooker wrote:

Big Eddie. Do a Worthing go the day before enjoy the local Hosp match ditto home Sunday.Big smileBig smile.
PS Very Good luck sounds as though you have a great club to support.

Even Older Hooker, Graham considered that as an option but as ever the matter of finances came into the equation. 

For my part I didn't see that much of a problem with Graham's innovative suggestion that we could get 15 single rooms and 'top and tail'. However, there were a few grumbles from the players ........although to make it fair Graham had suggested pairings could be determined by was still too big a risk for the players as none of them wanted to chance getting paired with Mr Upset Stomach

'In Graham we Trust'

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: backrowb
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 11:20
Disgraceful from the RP. How could any sighted person not think that a red was fully deserved.  I am not even sure the prop deserved a yellow. Proper brain fart moment.

The comments about Caldy emphasize why every person North of Watford is delighted with the success of Caldy this season. The club should be congratulated on the talent and spirit that they have assembled.

Less guff though about being poor and playing form  a shed though please Wink  


Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 11:31
Originally posted by backrowb backrowb wrote:

Less guff though about being poor and playing form  a shed though please Wink  

.......after extensive refurbishment during Covid it has now been upgraded to a 'shack'

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 11:48
Originally posted by backrowb backrowb wrote:

The comments about Caldy emphasize why every person North of Watford is delighted with the success of Caldy this season. The club should be congratulated on the talent and spirit that they have assembled.

Thank you backrowb........the phrase 'every person' even includes Jimbo Lad.......

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: jimbojetset
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 12:26
Originally posted by Big Eddie Big Eddie wrote:

Originally posted by backrowb backrowb wrote:

The comments about Caldy emphasize why every person North of Watford is delighted with the success of Caldy this season. The club should be congratulated on the talent and spirit that they have assembled.

Thank you backrowb........the phrase 'every person' even includes Jimbo Lad.......

Two clubs in the North West holding the top two positions in Nat 1 after struggling to gain a foothold in previous years. With a combined rugby budget of what (it appears) some clubs spend purely on coaching staff. Yep, I would saw we are delighted, but not surprised. Caldy have always been one of the most difficult teams to beat.

Posted By: Camquin
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 13:14
I would not believe everything ScrumTime says about other clubs budgets.

I think Cambridge could catch one of Sale or Caldy, I doubt they can catch both.
But it means getting five points at the Rock and then at Rams.

Sweeney Delenda Est

Posted By: RedPete
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2022 at 15:55
Originally posted by backrowb backrowb wrote:

Disgraceful from the RP. How could any sighted person not think that a red was fully deserved.  I am not even sure the prop deserved a yellow. Proper brain fart moment.

The comments about Caldy emphasize why every person North of Watford is delighted with the success of Caldy this season. The club should be congratulated on the talent and spirit that they have assembled.

Less guff though about being poor and playing form  a shed though please Wink  


And some of us south of Watford!

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

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