I think this may answer your question.
Following the communication sent on 16 April 2019 to Chairs, Honorary Secretaries and Honorary Treasurers of Constituent Bodies and Clubs outlining the 2019-20 business plan position, please find below detail relating to the above: Travel Funding The communication on 16th April highlighted that total travel and accommodation funding for onshore and offshore league and cup travel for adult male and female teams will be reduced in 2019/20 by approximately a third (from £1.55m to £1.05m). The Community Game Board (CGB) prioritised the preservation of current onshore travel funding levels to male teams at Level 7 and below, and female teams at National Challenge 1 and below. Preservation of current funding levels to onshore teams who travel to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Isle of Wight for offshore matches, is also prioritised with some increased contributions required from offshore clubs. The above position means that in season 2019-20 there will be approximately a 60% reduction in league travel funding for male teams at Level 6 and women’s teams at Championship 1 and 2, this will be implemented by a 60% reduction in payments at each mileage band. 2019-20 Travel funding reductions Payments will be available for RFU adult (men and women) league competitions for round trip travel distances, and for accommodation costs in excess of 450 miles, and will be paid according to the following schedule: Mileage Amount Mileage Amount 150 + £132 450 + £396 200 + £165 500+ £440 250 + £198 600 + £462 300 + £231 700 + £484 350 + £264 800 + £506 400 + £352 900 + £528 Accommodation 450-699 miles: £230 Accommodation 700+ miles: £460
The final actual mileage and funding calculations for each club will need to be completed by the Divisional Organising Committees (for male teams) and by the RFU centrally (for women’s teams) following confirmation of promotion and relegation, and development of new mileage documents aligning to the above schedule. We will aim to complete this in advance of prior years. A separate mileage schedule will apply for Cup rugby where relevant and a separate communication will follow. If you require any further information, or have any questions, please contact me via the details below, or speak to a member of the RFU Competitions team.