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Plastic not so fantastic?

Printed From: National League Rugby Discussion Forum
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Topic: Plastic not so fantastic?
Posted By: cobbler
Subject: Plastic not so fantastic?
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2019 at 20:18
Not sure if picture will show correctly but this was Derby RFC on Sunday morning with all 4 pitches including AGP covered in over a foot of water as the river Derwent overflowed into the flood plain. As the water has subsided the 'carpet' has folds in it and the pitch will need repair. RFU have been very prompt in sending somebody down and SIS the installers have also taken a look and will provide a quote that RFU can pass on to their insurers. Hoping to get it all good again in time for next home match (2 1/2 weeks) if insurers are quick to approve claim and upcoming weather is favourable!

Posted By: PiffPaff
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2019 at 18:29
cobbler, what rotten luck. think it will be much longer than 2.5 weeks, for starters your rubber crumb has frankly floated off, think this happened at Woodhouse Grove School in Yorkshire a couple of years ago and that was a few months before it was back in action.

Crouch, Bind, Tweet!

Posted By: cobbler
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2019 at 20:05
Hi Piffpaff, thanks for your message.

Well part of the planned work SIS would undertake would be to apply 4 -5 ton of rubber crumb to replace that lost in the flood and also in the deep cleaning process (a deposit of silt being part of the aftermath).

Maybe the RFU has more clout than a school.... but we shall see!

Posted By: Raider999
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2019 at 12:08
Originally posted by cobbler cobbler wrote:

Hi Piffpaff, thanks for your message.

Well part of the planned work SIS would undertake would be to apply 4 -5 ton of rubber crumb to replace that lost in the flood and also in the deep cleaning process (a deposit of silt being part of the aftermath).

Maybe the RFU has more clout than a school.... but we shall see!

The school probably had more money.

Money = clout


Posted By: Dobber
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2019 at 19:18
Meanwhile 4 to 5 ton of rubber crumb has polluted the local water sources. That annoying Swedish teenager will have a dippy fit about the environmental damage...

Posted By: One For The Ditch
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2019 at 08:54
Originally posted by Dobber Dobber wrote:

Meanwhile 4 to 5 ton of rubber crumb has polluted the local water sources. That annoying Swedish teenager will have a dippy fit about the environmental damage...

That is not "good PR", Dobber, revert to grass much easier and cheaper to maintain; it can also look just as pretty!

Posted By: Thatbloke
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2019 at 11:11
Given there were a multitude of applications to the RFU for the new generation AGP's, of which only a select few were chosen how did you manage to win their support given your site is on a flood plain?? (Bet they didn't even ask??) This was always going to happen - 1 month, 1year, 2 years, 5 years and will no doubt happen again at some point which will surely make it an "uninsurable" risk
This is not meant as a criticism of Derby - they are a great club with good people at the helm. Is it just another example of the RFU being less than diligent in their spending like so many other instances we seem to learn of almost daily
Best of luck Derby - hope you get it sorted out ASAP with the minimum of fuss, it IS a great surface to play on, just like Bournville the other week which despite the deluge is thankfully NOT on a flood plain and was in pristine condition

Posted By: Robb
Date Posted: 05 Nov 2019 at 11:55
I think those AGPs are awful anyway. You get more injuries (and tight hamstrings even if you don't) from them than you do normal grass

Posted By: cobbler
Date Posted: 06 Nov 2019 at 19:22
Originally posted by Thatbloke Thatbloke wrote:

Given there were a multitude of applications to the RFU for the new generation AGP's, of which only a select few were chosen how did you manage to win their support given your site is on a flood plain?? (Bet they didn't even ask??) This was always going to happen - 1 month, 1year, 2 years, 5 years and will no doubt happen again at some point which will surely make it an "uninsurable" risk
This is not meant as a criticism of Derby - they are a great club with good people at the helm. Is it just another example of the RFU being less than diligent in their spending like so many other instances we seem to learn of almost daily
Best of luck Derby - hope you get it sorted out ASAP with the minimum of fuss, it IS a great surface to play on, just like Bournville the other week which despite the deluge is thankfully NOT on a flood plain and was in pristine condition

The RFU were definitely aware it was on a flood plain and there was a risk of flooding. The last time water was high enough to cover the  main pitch was about 2004, shortly after we moved to Haslams Lane. Of the applicants in our area, all things considered, Derby was considered the best option. It's as simple as that!

Posted By: Penda
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2019 at 15:23
Lucky it didn't get up to your clubhouse. 

Good luck guys.

Posted By: Ex Coach
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2019 at 21:15
The club are appealing for volunteers to stop the clubhouse flooding


Posted By: cobbler
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2019 at 09:41
Water was kept out of the clubhouse and has receded significantly now. Some good videos can be found on Twitter of the 2nd flooding (the speed of the flow is amazing). Fortunately the required work from the first event had not started and a second inspection is required to ensure the work now required is no more than was seen from the flood of 2 weeks ago. 

Hopefully another 15 years until the next flood!!

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