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Kick off times/Clock changes

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Printed Date: 09 Mar 2025 at 22:15
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Topic: Kick off times/Clock changes
Posted By: Richard Lowther
Subject: Kick off times/Clock changes
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2025 at 14:34
I earwigged an interesting conversation about kick off times on Saturday. 

Has the first game in March always been the point when kick-offs reverted to 3pm or previously was it when the clocks changed?

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Remember Wakefield RFC

Posted By: Robb
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2025 at 15:11
As far as I'm aware, that's how it's always been

Posted By: Paul10
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2025 at 16:56
That was the case when I was fix sec a few years ago.

Fixtures in Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb up to local referees (or leagues) otherwise 3pm

Posted By: islander
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 21:27
I don't feel this is necessarily hard and fast, with some regional variation and some flexibility eg 'no later than' (but could be earlier).

Interested to hear more about your interesting conversation Richard...

There's loads of daylight in March for 3pm KOs. Even on the very first day of the month in Berwick-on-Tweed, sunset is at 5.42pm, a full hour after a game would finish, with light being playable for a wee while after sunset too... so not sure why it would ever have been felt necessary to hang on until the final w/e of the month

Might be of use, see below London & SE regs for this season, and the RFU regs they are based on:

LSE Admin Instructions 2024/25 – Section 7
Kick-off Time for Matches, Supplementary to RFU Regulations 6.41 – 44 inclusive.
In accordance with RFU Regulation 6.41 all matches shall kick-off between 2.00pm and 3.00pm.
In the event of adverse weather conditions matches may kick-off between 1.00pm and 4.00pm on Artificial Pitches.
Clubs without floodlights must kick-off NO LATER THAN: 
3.00pm - September, October;
2.00pm - November, December & January 
**2.30pm - February
3.00pm - March, April;
**Amended 1st January 2025
Where the two clubs mutually agree on a kick-off time outside these times, they shall do so in conjunction with the League Secretary – as the representative of the “Committee” and in accordance with RFU Regulation 6.42.
Although the ROC has always ruled that clubs involved in offshore matches are expected to be sympathetic to the flight requirements of the visitors, that ruling does not alter the status and requirements of RFU Regulations 6.41 to 6.44 in any way.

RFU Regulations Section 6
Kick Off
41. All matches shall kick off between 2-3pm (as determined by the home Club) except for those matches played in November, December, January, and February, which shall kick off at 2pm, unless otherwise approved by the Organising Committee. In the event of adverse Weather conditions, matches may kick-off between 1-4pm to allow for multiple matches to be played on Artificial Pitches, at all times at the discretion of the Organising Committee.
42. Kick-off time may be varied by mutual agreement between the two teams and the home team must advise the Match Officials of any changes.
43. Matches played in the week (e.g. Thursday or Friday night matches) must have agreement between the two teams prior to the proposed kick off and the Match Officials. The default kick off time will be 7pm unless otherwise approved by the Organising Committee.
44. If kick-off is delayed due to adverse travel or injury, wherever possible every effort must be made by the two teams concerned to play the match on the day. This may include the reduction of the playing time and or half/time interval to complete the fixture in the best light conditions. A reduction in playing time is to be agreed by the Match Official.

Posted By: tigerburnie
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2025 at 22:33
Last game against Bishops Stortford is the only home game Lions have as a 15.00 kick off, indeed all their home games except one against Sedgley Park were all 14.00 kick offs.

Posted By: Rabbie Burns
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2025 at 12:49
Thanks for the heads up TB

So many Christians not enough Lions

Posted By: Raider999
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2025 at 15:42
3pm kick offs in March are OK as long as you can guarantee it is a fine day (impossible) and as long as you don't have any major injury breaks.

Also fine if you have decent floodlights.

Personally, I don't see the problem with 2pm kick offs.


Posted By: Halliford
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2025 at 18:08
Treasurers don't like 2 pm kick=offs, it reduces the potential income from pre-match lunches and post-match drinking!

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