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Premier League Promotions

Printed From: National League Rugby Discussion Forum
Category: League Rugby -
Forum Name: Regional 1
Forum Description: Discuss the 72 clubs in the fifth level of the English game.
Printed Date: 09 Mar 2025 at 14:51
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Premier League Promotions
Posted By: SurreyRugby
Subject: Premier League Promotions
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 15:04
Hi all.

Given the news today that there will be NO promotion from the Championship to the Premiership.

Plus there will be ONLY 1 promoted team from Nat1 to the Championship.

Leaving 14 teams in the Nat 1. Does this mean NO promotion from National 2 North and South

If then 3 leagues of 14 are being formed in Nat2, meaning 42 teams. Given there are 32 teams already in Nat 2.

Does this mean 10 clubs will be promoted from the 4 premier leagues?   ie promted top 2 plus playoffs for the remaining spots?

any clarification is most welcome

Posted By: Thatbloke
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 15:27
Well there's the irony!
One of the over-riding recommendations from the Adult Playing Survey/Review/Consultation thingymajig was that teams winning their respective leagues should continue to be automatically promoted across the board. 
Like many today I feel so sorry for Ealing and Donny, one of whom will have deserved the right to have a crack in the Premiership but apparently no they don't!
So to answer your question - as above the winners of Nat 2 (S & N) WILL be promoted to Nat 1 requiring 2 to be relegated from that league to Level 4
That gives Nat 2 a total of 32 clubs thus requiring 10 to be promoted from the Regional Premier Leagues. I imagine that will be the Top 2 from each division plus the 2 best 3rd placed sides (based on points gained) I have not seen any mention of play-offs at any level either for this season or in the future

Posted By: Camquin
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 15:42
What That Bloke says, best playing record, no play-offs this season.
We expect 1 up from each Nat 2 league next season - with three down and no play-offs.
But I believe that is subject to confirmation.

Sweeney Delenda Est

Posted By: Robb
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 15:50
Basically making the league less competitive and create a lot of meaningless matches come the end of a season if only 1 team gets promoted and no play-off spot to aim for.

Good job RFU, taking us backwards in the community game.

Posted By: 'Hopper
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 16:01
The only way to give significant response to the decision, would be for ALL Clubs below the Premiership to refuse taking players on loan from them next season. Hit them where it hurts!

What if the Hokey Kokey really IS what it's all about?

Posted By: SurreyRugby
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 17:04
Hi That Bloke.
That makes sense although I thought there would be no relegation from any league this season.

Posted By: Thatbloke
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 17:07
That is absolutely true Hopper but whenever I have put forward this point on other threads it has been met with a deathly silence. Why? - because a lot of clubs at semi-pro level couldn't get a side out without them so self-interest obviously comes into play. As I have also posted previously it is NOT the fault of community clubs (Level 2 down by RFU definition) that Prem academy players can't get enough game times 

Posted By: Thatbloke
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 17:10
SurreyRugby - I think that looked like being the case when all this was first announced but as it has all unravelled (not least by today's announcement) the 2 relegations required from Nat 1 will be the only ones across the whole pyramid

Posted By: SurreyRugby
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 19:05
Ok. Let's see what happens. Really clear to all clubs.....not at all

Posted By: Big Eddie
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 19:18
Originally posted by 'Hopper 'Hopper wrote:

The only way to give significant response to the decision, would be for ALL Clubs below the Premiership to refuse taking players on loan from them next season. Hit them where it hurts!

Very sensible suggestion Hopper

''The future isn't what it used to be''

Posted By: Lord_Kitchener
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2022 at 10:15
Ealing will appeal and probably win.

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